Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sept 23 - Staging Area

Pack lighter

A few days before departure, Kathy took this shot of my packing staged in the guest bed room: 3 pairs of hiking pants/shorts, extra shorts, 3 long sleeve, 2 short sleeve shirts, 1 hat, 1 fleece, 1 bathing suit, 1 pair of gloves, 2 pairs of shoes, toiletries, first aid kit, small camera, keyboard for my iPad, water filter and bottles, power cords, documents, guide books, maps and a journal. I squeezed everything into my large LL Bean duffel bag. I also loaded my back pack with my I-phone, itinerary, passport/visa, and lots of reading material for the long flight.

Within a week in India I realized I packed way too much and wished I had simplified. The next time I'll pack lighter.

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