Monday, December 29, 2014

Sept 26 - Delhi

Day of Sightseeing

After a good first night's sleep in the Hotel Broadway I decided to take a walk into the city for the first time, where I saw so much happening: brilliant colors, horns blowing, rickshaws, traffic jams, crowded streets, garbage, (holy) cows and camels pulling wagons. I had never seen anything like it. Most striking were the very friendly people. Every time I greeted someone with 'Namaste' they responded in kind with a smile. I felt and an immediate connection. There were vendors everywhere cooking tempting food, but I resisted not wanting to take the risk of getting sick. This was the most colorful and alive city I've ever seen. Later I visited the immense Red Fort built in 1638 of red sandstone. It's a reminder of the power and pomp of the Moghul emperor, and includes the Hall of Public Audience, white marble Hall of Private Audience, The Pearl Mosque, The Royal Baths and The Palace of Color. 

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