Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sept 30 - Dharmasala

Dali Lama's Temple

After a seven hour drive north from Amritsar on windy roads, I arrived in McLeod Ganj in early evening and checked into the Serkong House Hotel, a very nice place. Tentso, the hotel manager recommended dinner at the nearby Tibet Kitchen, where I had chicken curry and rice. It was delicious and cost only $5. The food is incredibly cheap in India, but beer is expensive.
I awoke early in the morning to hear monks chanting from Tsuglagkhank, The Dali Lama's Temple--a beautiful sound. The temple was the highlight of my visit to McLeod Ganj. Thousands of people come here every year from all over the world to study Buddhism, and Tibetan culture. When I arrived at the temple I went to the reception desk to see if I could get an audience with the Dali Lama, but was told it was not possible. I then attended morning prayer service with several monks, nuns and lay people. Everyone greeted me with a warm smile and namaste. Later I had breakfast at the nearby Chonor House hotel, where Richard Gere stays when visiting the Dali Lama. I joined two women from Wiesbaden, Germany; Andrea and Ramona, who I had seen earlier at the temple. Breakfast of tea and porridge was delicious.

Prayer wheels inside Tsuglkhang

HH the Dali Lama

Dali Lama's Temple entrance

Prayer Wheels

After breakfast I walked the square along with the many animals; (holy) cows, dogs, monkeys, Tibetan monks, and tourists visiting shops selling religious objects of prayer beads, statues, books, CD's, bowls, shawls, Tibetan carpets and garments, and more. I spun prayer wheels for the first time, and recited Om Mani Padme Hum to 'accumulate merit. '
Women spinning prayer wheels reciting Om Mani Padme Hum to accumulate merit.

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