Monday, December 15, 2014

Oct 19 Bodh Gaya

Mahabodi Temple

At 7 am I returned to the Mahabodi Temple with my guide, Ravi, to make an offering of flowers and fruit to the Buddha. 

I bought an offering of fruit from this women
A temple monk wrapped the cloth I purchased on the Buddha. 

Wrapping my scarf offering around the Buddha
My offering of cloth around the Buddha

"Where are you from?"

I sat beside a young Buddhist monk under the Bodhi Tree and tried to meditate. To my surprise he asked, "Where are you from?" He was a Teravadan monk, and very friendly.
Teravada Monk "Happy" under the Bodhi tree
Monks at the Bodhi tree

Ravi's apartment & family

I was invited for breakfast at Ravi's small apartment where I met his nice family.
Ravi's apartment
Ravi, Pinky, son Lucky and daughter
 Lucky and his friend Rudra

Dalit's playing

After a delicious breakfast of rice and dal with Ravi's family we rode north by motorcycle to the Dungeshwari cave.   
Along the way I saw Dalit people bathing and washing clothes in the Phalgu River.

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