Saturday, December 13, 2014

Coming home

Home Sweet Home

On Oct 23 Kathy picked me up at the Dartmouth Coach in Lebanon after a twenty-five hour trip. I was so glad to see her. It was the longest time we've ever been apart. OK, I admit it. Even though I had an incredible experience in India there was nothing like coming home.

The next day at our local coffee shop, I reflected on how fortunate I am to live in America, and in particular in Woodstock, Vermont, where we are blessed with quiet, no traffic, beautiful green mountains, clean rivers and brooks, quality of life and good friends.

Since returning a few people have asked if this was a transformative experience. I don't even know what 'transformative' really means so I can't say if it was or not. I'm still basically the same person that I was before my trip. Thankfully I still get a senior citizens discount at the movies. And I still have gray hair.  Seriously, it was definitely an educational experience. And it was definitely cross-cultural. That much I know. I'm still curious about many things, especially history, philosophy, and religion. I find them all fascinating. And I'm still learning a little bit every day, and perhaps changing a little too. Simplifying and letting go of what needs to be let go of, and holding onto what's really important. Namaste!

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