Saturday, December 20, 2014

Oct 11 Deshnoke

Rat Temple 

Outside Bikaner my guide took me to Deshnoke, near the Pakistan border where the famous 600 year old Hindu Karni Mata Temple is located - also known as the Rat Temple where 20,000 rats are worshiped as Gods. The holy rats are called kabbas. People travel from all over the world to pay their respects to the rats. Eating food that has been nibbled by the rats is considered an honor. I chose not to partake. Hindus believe that these rats will be reincarnated as humans. Most of the rats were black, but there were a few white rats which are considered to be especially holy. Sighting a white rat is a special blessing and visitors make great effort to bring them forward by offering prasad, or sweet holy food. When entering the temple visitors are required to remove their shoes, which made me a little uncomfortable. I tried to enter the temple but was not allowed. Only Hindus can enter the holy shrine. The rats are free to roam everywhere. This was a fascinating experience, but I don't think I'll return soon.

Holy rats entering the temple

Rats feeding on prasad

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