Monday, December 29, 2014

Sept 27 - Delhi

Unexpected change of plans

Saturday morning I bought a local SIM card from Airtel for 500 rupees ($8) which my 
daughter in law, Sharon, recommended. She saved me a lot of money on phone calls home every day. I walked through the markets and bazaars of Old Delhi, which were busy and heavily congested - amazing! Each street specialized in a commodity: colorful fabrics, linens  & shawls, clothing, jewelry, all kinds of food--fruits, cheese, tea, and Indian spices. There were even shops that specialize in wedding fabrics.  Then I went to the president's house, India Gate, Parliament and the main Historic Gurudwara Bangla Sahib Sikh temple. 
I arrived at the train station for the 4:30 pm train to Amritsar, but told it was delayed 7.5 hours due to massive flooding in Kashmir. I found a travel agent who changed my itinerary to include the western state of Rajasthan. Later, I made an afternoon visit to the Lodi Garden, built in the 15th century during the Afghan Dynasty which then ruled northern India.

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