Saturday, December 27, 2014

Oct 1, Bhagsuang Temple & Karmapa Monastery

Bhagsuang Temple

I made a morning visit to the ancient Shiva, Bhagsuang Temple located in Bhagsu near McLeod Ganj. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. I entered the small temple and sat with a Brahman priest who painted my forehead and wrapped a red Kalava around my right wrist while reciting a prayer. I heard someone chanting "Om Namah Shivaya." Bagsu is described as a 'hippy paradise' and place of learning with courses in alternative medicine, self development and healing, Reiki, Chakra healing, massage, Tai Chi, Yoga and offers a shanti (peaceful) vibe; people said, 'shanti shanti.'

5000 year old Bhagsuanag Temple


In the afternoon I visited the Karmapa Monastery in lower Dharmsala, residence of the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, head of the Kagyu school, one of the main schools of Buddhism. He escaped from Tibet in 1999. This is a school for 500 young monks who study Tantric Buddhism for 14 years. I witnessed afternoon chanting, and spent time in the library reading a few the Dali Lama's books, Words of Wisdom, The Path to Freedom, and A Policy of Kindness. The Dalhi Lama came here the next day.

Boy monks happy to be photographed
Monks chanting Sanskrit texts
Karmapa temple
Sanskrit texts in the Karmapa library

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