Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Oct 8 Delhi

Gandhi Memorial & Raj Ghat

I returned to Delhi from Chandagarh late on the night of October 7. It felt like being home at the Tavisha Hotel where I had stayed the previous week. The friendly staff greeted me with smiles and seemed happy I was back. I met with my travel agent to make adjustments to my itinerary, where I said, "no more grueling 10-hour drives."

At breakfast the next morning my travel companion abruptly announced he was returning to Vermont. I decided to carry on. Unfortunately he missed out on an incredible experience.   Although I did not realize it at the time I soon realized that this gave me the freedom to choose what I wanted to do without any encumbrances. It became much more of a personal journey of discovery. 

I then visited the Gandhi Memorial and Raj Ghat where Gandhi was cremated. Barack and Michelle Obama visited there in November 2010. Thousands visit the Gandhi Samadi every day - its a beautiful memorial to a great man admired by everyone in India.

Gandhi Samadi Ghat with eternal flames


My driver Vipan had a Swastika on his car window. It is a sacred symbol in India and denotes "good luck". I saw the swastika all over India.

After the Gandhi Memorial I returned for a second time to the Chimney Restaurant for lunch where the food is delicious and cheap; nan bread, curry chicken and fried rice for $5. It was packed with people from all over the world. A man from Norway joined my table. He was on a 10-month leave from teaching and traveling around the world alone. He was a nice guy.


I soon realized that the customary way to greet and say good bye to strangers is by saying 'Namaste' or 'Namaskar' to senior persons. Every time I did they would respond with a sincere smile and say Namaste. It's a way of showing respect to one another.


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